Search Debunking Denial

Let's Go Against the Sage Words of Neil deGrass Tyson

Holocaust denial is any attempt to negate the established facts of the Nazi genocide of European Jews (and others) during the 1930s and 40s....

Let's Go Against the Sage Words of Neil deGrass Tyson

Holocaust denial is any attempt to negate the established facts of the Nazi genocide of European Jews (and others) during the 1930s and 40s. Some Holocaust deniers claim that nothing happened and no Jews were murdered, others claim that the figures have been greatly exaggerated. 

Most deniers like to refer to themselves as "revisionists", "denier" has too many negative connotations, but for the purpose of this blog they shall be referred to as deniers.

Denial of the Holocaust is nothing new, it has been around since soon after the end of this series of tragic events, but it seems to be making a come back recently.

This blog, and the accompanying videos aims to dispel and debunk some of the most common denier tropes and, hopefully, give you the tools to deal with any denier you may experience. They tend to lurk in the shadows, but the internet seems to breed them at a prolific rate.

Comments and questions (on blog posts and videos alike) are welcome. Even negative comments. However, racist/anti-Semitic, homophobic or other insulting comments will be removed.

"You can't use reason to convince anyone out of an argument that they didn't use reason to get into"

Neil deGrass Tyson

But let's give it a damned good try!